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Post Competitive Insight
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Post Competitive Insight
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These are my notes to every workshop I've attended, the PE curriculum I am developing, and an ever evolving study of self.
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Physical Education
ACL Recovery
Christine Ruffolo
Sep 6, 2015
2 min read
Ball and Sockets
The shoulder and hip are ball-and-socket joints. Their usage, however, often gets thrown off by the hinge joints separating the thick...
Christine Ruffolo
May 31, 2015
4 min read
The Shoulder-Elbow Connection (rotations part 2)
In part 1 of this shoulder series, we looked at glenohumeral rotation in the horizontal plane (think shoulders back, chest forward)....
Christine Ruffolo
May 4, 2015
2 min read
Shoulder (GH) External Rotation
The glenohumeral joint is a ball-and-socket that allows for all ranges to motion: flexion/extension, aBduction/aDduction, and...
Christine Ruffolo
Mar 15, 2015
2 min read
Pinky Shoulder Saver
Anterior shoulder pain is often triggered by ‘excessive’ grip drive through the thumb and index finger. To specify the sites of pain I’m...
Christine Ruffolo
Dec 23, 2014
2 min read
Vertical Pulls 95
Seven tips to nailing that chin up. 1. The most shoulder friendly chin up grip is neutral, with palms facing each other. This differs...
Christine Ruffolo
Sep 13, 2014
3 min read
Glenohumeral Joint (Shoulder Socket)
The intricacies of the shoulder are crazy. Everything fits just right, in the tiniest of divots and crevasses and seams. The body is...
Christine Ruffolo
Sep 4, 2014
2 min read
Scapula (Shoulder Blade) – Packing
Packing the shoulder refers to using the scapula to ‘suck’ the shoulder into place. You are securing the stable joint so the arm socket...
Christine Ruffolo
Aug 30, 2014
3 min read
Scapula (Shoulder Blade) – Gliding
The “shoulder” is actually composed of three bones and their joints, the scapula or shoulder blade, the humerus (upper arm), and the...
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